Icon:   Grow

Your Resources

A bright and simple toddler advent giveaway calendar that includes stickers. A tool for kid faith conversations to flourish*https://www.thegoodbook.co.uk/come-along-christmas-advent-calendar*newtab
A game that creates space for safe conversations about the big and not so big questions of life*https://uglyducklingresources.org/collections/table-talk?page=1*newtab
Encourages families with toddlers to build relationships outside church doors, in everyday life, through home ideas and mission opportunities.*https://www.biblebuds.co.uk/*newtab

Questions to ask yourself

  • What is growing and producing fruit that you need to carry on with?
  • Is there anything you need to stop to prioritise other things?
  • Could you have a regular spot in church to celebrate everyday faith conversations people have had recently?